Moving to Louisville: Where College People Live in the City


Moving to Louisville: Where College People Live in the City


Dr. Beau Weston


Louisville is the most likely place for Centre alumni to live. One sixth of all alumni live there now. For each of the last three years, one fifth of graduates moved there after graduation. There are different kinds of neighborhoods in Louisville, which appeal to people in different stages in life cycle, and with different politics. The Highlands are a dense, walkable, mixed-use neighborhood with strong appeal for young single people and liberals. The many suburban subdivisions appeal to older married people and conservatives. Prof. Weston will discuss the findings of his recent book, Between Bohemia and Suburbia: Boburbia in the USA, a sociological study of Louisville neighborhoods.



Dr. Beau Weston, “Moving to Louisville: Where College People Live in the City,” RICE (Research, Internships, and Creative Endeavors) Symposium, accessed May 5, 2024,