Marighella: A Look Into The History of Media Manipulation in Brazil


Marighella: A Look Into The History of Media Manipulation in Brazil


Faraz Ghamgosar
Lauren Jung


Satty Flaherty-Echeverria, Mentor


The primary problem that we address in our video essay is how easily the media was manipulated by the government and dictatorships of Latin American countries such as Brazil during the 1960s in order to promote their agendas and shut down any and all opposition. This completely unfair and unjust authoritarian ruling of Brazil was a calculated and intentional series of events that began with a coup. This is when President João was overthrown by the Armed Forces, which had the support of many high-ranking military officials, the Catholic church, and even the United States through its embassy. Upon taking power the authoritarian military dictatorship completely censored and improperly used the media in order to maintain complete control and maintain the support of the unbeknownst people. The film Marighella focuses on the biopic of Carlos Marighella, a revolutionary going against the Brazilian government, and highlights the government’s censorship of the media.



Faraz Ghamgosar and Lauren Jung, “Marighella: A Look Into The History of Media Manipulation in Brazil,” RICE (Research, Internships, and Creative Endeavors) Symposium, accessed May 5, 2024,