Determining the DNA Binding Behavior of Transition Metal Polypyridyl Complexes


Determining the DNA Binding Behavior of Transition Metal Polypyridyl Complexes


Ella Aponte


Erin Wachter, Mentor


The DNA binding behavior of ruthenium (II) and iron (II) polypyridyl complexes were studied for their potential to induce DNA damage. A DNA binding constant assay using UV-Vis spectroscopy was developed and modified to be high-throughput using a plate reader. Significant troubleshooting took place to determine efficient ratios of metal complex to DNA to give adequate change in absorbance upon binding. The results for the metal complexes tested thus far are consistent with the DNA binding constants reported in the literature. Future studies include determining the DNA binding constant for additional metal complexes using the high-throughput assay as well as further development and testing of a DNA damage assays using gel electrophoresis.



Ella Aponte, “Determining the DNA Binding Behavior of Transition Metal Polypyridyl Complexes,” RICE (Research, Internships, and Creative Endeavors) Symposium, accessed May 4, 2024,