




What drew you to this medium?

I consider myself to be a very creative and artistic person, and I wanted to tap into that side of me by taking my first art class at Centre. Ceramics I seemed like the perfect fit because I thought I would really enjoy working with clay and having the artistic freedom to decorate my pieces using a variety of methods (i.e. carvings, slip, glaze, etc.).

Why are you drawn to this subject?

The piece is a product of a cylinder assignment for class. I really enjoyed this unit because although each student was striving for the same form, we each had unique ways in decorating our pieces. Furthermore, I am drawn to making cylinders for the purpose of utility. I think they can serve a variety of different purposes. For me, I think this piece would be perfect as a pen holder on a desk or a flower vase on a kitchen table.

What Does Your Artwork Represent?

I love landscapes. One of my favorite relaxing activities to do at school is to go for a drive on Bluegrass Pike. It is a long, open road that goes through expansive farmland. I take a drive there whenever the stress of school and life gets to be a bit overwhelming. My favorite time of day to go is at sunset which leaves me driving back to campus at dusk with the moon shining bright. I wanted to capture these moments of peace and serenity on my cylinder which explains the rolling hills and the moon hanging in the blue night sky.

What Inspires You?

My experiences and the feelings and emotions that accompany those experiences are what inspires me most.

What connection do you have to your art?

I feel very connected to this piece because of what it represents and what it means to me. I am a senior approaching graduation and I hope to take this piece with me as a reminder of my experiences on that long strip of road that provided me a space to breathe, reflect, and rediscover.


Hallie Searcy



Hallie Searcy, “Shapes,” RICE (Research, Internships, and Creative Endeavors) Symposium, accessed May 14, 2024,