Brazilian Dictatorship: Story of a Revolutionary


Brazilian Dictatorship: Story of a Revolutionary


Division I, first place prize winner.
NOTE: second video is the question and answer session.


João Victor Azevedo
Andrea Brito


Satty Flaherty-Echeverria, Mentor


By analyzing cinematographic strategies and engaging with Carlos Marighella’s written text to conclude the ideological reasons for why “Marighella'' stirred controversy in the Brazilian political arena and serves as a powerful statement against the current government. “Marighella'' is a Brazilian movie directed by well-known Brazilian actor and debut filmmaker Wagner Moura. The film portrays Carlos Marighella (1911-1969) who represents the fight for justice in Brazil against the 20-year military dictatorship. Because Moura’s narrative commends the true nature of Marighella’s revolutionary movement, the film was immediately banned both in Brazil and the United States, which supported the dictatorship. This video essay showcases the ideological perspective of Marighella through Moura’s camera shots. We highlight the camera positions that made the audience develop a relationship with Marighella’s story.



João Victor Azevedo and Andrea Brito, “Brazilian Dictatorship: Story of a Revolutionary,” RICE (Research, Internships, and Creative Endeavors) Symposium, accessed May 14, 2024,